Frequently Requested Topics:
- Spiritual Warfare (2 Parts)
- Practical Tips for Effective Evangelism (2 Parts)
- On Heroes: Society’s Search for a Savior
- Seeking Something More: The Argument from Desire
- Modern Women: The Forgotten Female Apologists of the Modern Era
- Explaining Complex Concepts Simply (For Teachers of Children)
- Incorporating Apologetics into Youth Ministry
- The Reliability of the Bible
- Graded Absolutism
- The Case for the Anti-Abortion Position
Other Prepared Topics:
- Why Apologetics?
- What is Truth?
- The Existence of God
- Rethroning Jesus: The Case for the Deity, Death, and Resurrection of Christ
- Apologetics to Islam
- Answering Postmodernism
- Answering Mormons/LDS
- Answering Jehovah’s Witnesses
- Any Biblical Passage
- Why Christianity?